A flickering LED. The LED never goes out, just goes up and down in brightness in a nice random pattern.
Great for Torches, Oil Lamps, Coal in a Blacksmith's forge and other places where a soft subtle flicker is needed.
Get creative with your ideas for using flickering colors
- Cool White flicker: simulate movie theater projectors and television
- Warm White flicker: candles and lanterns
- Blue flicker: space craft engines exhaust, also televisions
- Red flicker: race car exhaust, hot coals
- Green flicker: witches brew, aliens
The possibilities are endless!
We now have our flickering LEDs available in our popular 3V lighting kits that contain everything you need to get started!
Flickering Light Kit |
"What do I need to run these?"
3 volt use | 5-12 volt battery / regulated adapter | Your own AC/DC or DCC supply: 7-19V |
Our 3 volt coin holder with switch
Your own battery, or for 9 volt get our
7-19 volt Universal AC/DC/DCC lights
All of our LEDs come with a 2 year warranty!
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