Two Year FREE Replacement Guarantee

All Products we sell are unconditionally guaranteed. LEDs are to guaranteed to light and stay lit for two full years from time of purchase when run at the correct voltage.
To contact us about a failed product, e-mail us at:
If the product is an LED be sure to identify voltage, size, color, wire length.
We will cheerfully send you a FREE Replacement Light of the same size, color, and voltage input.
To help us analyze the light, please include an explanation of what power you were using and any other information you can think of about how the failure occurred.
If you used a different e-mail at the time of purchase also identify the e-mail used.
Our LEDs are super durable and long-lasting. With over 40,000 sold we have only gotten a handful back over the years.
Tips: We recommend that you check your power source before ordering LEDs, and read your LED packaging when the LEDs arrive to see what the recommended voltage input is.
DC LEDs should NOT be run on AC or DCC power, or with un-regulated transformers.
For AC and DCC and unregulated DC power we have Universal LEDs.