7 of our PC Software for Windows Programs
The toolkit runs on Windows 7, 10, and 11
Modelers Toolkit has full complete versions of:

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7 of our PC Software for Windows Programs
The toolkit runs on Windows 7, 10, and 11
Adding signs, windows, walls to your modeling adds a personal touch that you can't always get for the model itself. I am new to these items so the learning curve seems to be a little steep, but the effort and the rewards will be worth it.
Excellent product. I'm looking forward to using it.
I can run the OLD " Modelers Toolkit" on WIN 10, with NO PROBLEM ! Others must have another " Issue," that's preventing them from running it ! Maybe they're NOT doing regularly scheduled " Upgrades" to their WIN10 OS.
Read where your software was being used in Narrow Gauge & Shortline Gazette magazine. Thought I would give it a try instead of another laser kit.
It really burns me that I have to do this all over again Years ago I had the whole dang package and its worth it. I resent having to spend more money to get it back , now. And NO, this is NOT a complaint against Evan Designs ! Its a rant against MICROSOFT!!!!! 10& 11 won't run the old programs. I say it here because M-s doesn't care anyway. Obviously, I like E-D enuff to order it again! I've done buildings in 'N' , "Z" and even smaller ( for background skyscrapers) ! With the cost of plastic sky high my buildings in ho, o and g will also be printed. (Yes ,I really do model in 5 scales. They just don't all run .lol. I also have a 1-12 scale dollhouse and model cars, millitary, planes , ehhh, well a lot of stuff. Hey, I'm 72 and been modeing for 62 years! Keep up the good work !
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