This tiny on/off timer is great for turning your projects on and off at a set time. The circuit is 6 hours on, 18 hours off.
This timer can be used for any LEDs or other accessory that runs on 2V - 4.5V. It can run up to 10 of our 3-volt LEDs. You can connect the timer to our coin cell holder, AAA holder, AA holder, or our 3-volt regulated adapter.
The voltage going in will be the same as the voltage going out to the LEDs or other devices.
We have wired this little timer with 8" input wires and 4" output wires so you can tell which side goes to power and which side goes to your lights. You can shorten any of the wires, but just be sure to carefully mark the input and output so that you are very sure to connect the correct side to power.