"Here's my 2nd Model Builder Building (an adaptation of your Service Station Plans (with some bass wood additions ). The Texaco wrecker truck is 1/43 scale, and so are the gas pumps as well. The signs I constructed from signs printed off the internet." Elliott
See more views of Elliott's buildings!!

"Here's another one of my Model Builder buildings...the Farmer's Grain & Feed Elevator (photos attached). THANKS AGAIN for making Model Builder so easy to use, and for its realistic features !"

"Here are photos of my latest Model Builder buildings for my railroad layout. The first is WELD 1250 am Radio Station and broadcast tower. The second is Hillbilly Junction's Town Hall / Fire Station/ Police Headquarters & County Courthouse (all in one building). This will be located in the center of town like a town square with all traffic routed around the Town Hall. I may have enough room on my layout to hold a small country church and a small town bank...after that I'll be out of room!"

"The U-Haul logo is their original from 1945, and my barber's name is Tim. I carved and assembled the barber pole from bass wood. The white globe is a large pin head."

"WOW...I think I'm getting addicted to Model Builder ! Here's my latest creation for Hillbilly Junction. I used to work for Lamar Outdoor Advertising, so I figured the billboard was a significant part of it. Now to find some 1/43 Railway Express vehicles to add more detail."

"I designed my own dairy barn. Photos are attached for your review. Again, a little Bass wood, paint and a few clothing snaps & waxed linen thread helped add the detail. The 1/43 scale truck was a recent purchase. It's an Ertl Vintage Vehicles 1930 Chevy Stake Truck" Elliott