1_12th Townhouse
"1/12th Townhouse using one of Evan Designs mini-kits. Entryway door is permanently affixed and lamp wires run down the interior. Steps are set loose and have the battery clip, switch and connector hidden underneath. Worked perfectly. I had this left turned on to test how long a battery will last. Running two LED's for this application it has been over 24 hours and still going. Well engineered kit!" ~ John C.
A picture of a model resembling a 1/12th Townhouse, illuminated by our lights. Utilized in the model are our Dollhouse Mini Sized Lighting Package, featuring warm white 1.8mm LEDs, and a 3 Volt Coin Cell Holder with switch & connector.
A picture of a model resembling a 1/12th Townhouse, illuminated by our lights. Utilized in the model are our Dollhouse Mini Sized Lighting Package, featuring warm white 1.8mm LEDs, and a 3 Volt Coin Cell Holder with switch & connector.