Model Builder Community: Upload & download MB4 files. Share model buildings, building plans, dioramas, model layouts & more!

Show us what YOU'VE done. Upload your mb4 file now,
and get 5$ off on your next purchase - After Upload is complete

About Our Model Builder Community

This Model Builder Share site is a resource that supports users of Evan Designs Model Builder software. You will find several hundred files that other users of our software have contributed.

If you do not have Model Builder yet, you can grab a copy at our main site:

Who we are:

We at Evan Designs have been developing software for modelers since 1997. In-house product development and close contact with our customers enables us to produce effective, fun, and easy-to-use modeling software. We strive every day to provide top quality products and outstanding customer service. We want our customers to be happy! Having a problem? We'll do our best to help.

Get rid of those vacant areas, and have more fun with your layout! We plan to continue expanding our product line, so we appreciate input from you, our customers, who love modeling.
=="I am really impressed on how quickly you responded and fixed my problem. I have never had this type of service from any other software provider. Thank you for your superior service." Bill, WI
=="Your Customer Service is 5 star! It truly is a pleasure to do business with you. Thanks again," Ed, CT
== "You really have a great product and I enjoy working with it..." Ed, PA

Have questions? Use our contact form

Contact Us

OR Call Toll Free: 1-888-764-2610 Mon-Fri 9:00am - 2:00pm Mountain Standard Time


Evan Designs PO Box 1816B Health Parkway Fort Collins CO 80524