Elementary School Club:
The Rockcut and Silver Creek Railroad uses Model Builder
The Club: The RSC is dedicated to the preservation of 3-rail model railroading. Membership is open to students and their families.
From the Club Organizer: "I am certain that this project is going to lead to at least a few life long modelers. At our last meeting, I was approached by several parents asking about trains set for Christmas. Turns out that a few kids are asking for their own train set to run at home. This is on on top of the parents who recently told me they were getting trains for their kids. Good stuff in deed!
The modules should look remarkably different at our next Train Night. Last week I announced to the kids what the prize will be for Best Module. They were overwhelmed with excitement when I showed them the Train set I bought. They were even more excited to find out that it smoked!"
Evan Designs donated a copy of Model Builder and Brickyard to help the new club along.
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